Application Signing

From WebOS Internals
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Palm uses the following technique to verify the authenticity of a webOS application:

ApplicationInstallerUtility -v -n -c install -p file.ipk
 ar xv file.ipk
 openssl verify -CAfile /etc/ssl/certs/appsigning-bundle.crt cert.pem
 openssl x509 -in cert.pem -pubkey > pubkey.pem
 cat control.tar.gz data.tar.gz debian-binary | openssl dgst -sha1 -verify pubkey.pem -signature signature.sha1
 ipkg -o /var -force-overwrite install file.ipk maintains a similar certification process for developers of advanced homebrew packages that require the execution of installation scripts that require root privileges.

The root certificate (preware-ca-bundle.crt) has the following SHA1 fingerprint: 31:D8:23:35:20:86:B0:56:B4:D5:64:74:91:2B:8E:85:54:05:5E:FF and expires on Dec 7 10:11:22 2019 GMT.

The WebOS Internals signing certificate (org.webosinternals.crt) has the following SHA1 fingerprint: F7:DC:1C:87:68:E2:13:DB:84:6D:DA:A8:CC:50:B6:EF:6F:5B:79:D9 and expires on Jan 5 10:51:08 2012 GMT.

The Optware signing certificate (mobi.optware.crt) has the following SHA1 fingerprint: C6:82:F9:3A:EA:1E:E7:3A:B9:82:ED:91:1C:BF:11:77:AD:DB:A0:4F and expires on Jan 5 10:57:55 2012 GMT.

To install a signed package:

INSERT INTO "InstallHistory" VALUES('org.webosinternals.preware',-1,1,'{ "appId": "org.webosinternals.preware", "version": "1.1.4", "title": "Preware", "vendor": "WebOS Internals", "vendorUrl": "", "iconUrl": "", "iconFile": "", "ipkUrl": "", "ipkFile": "", "authToken": "-1", "deviceId": "-1", "catalogId": -1, "installDataPath": "/var/palm/data/com.palm.appInstallService/org.webosinternals.preware", "status": 1, "ticket": -1, "progress": 0, "errorCode": 0, "reason": "" }');