LibPDL Research

From WebOS Internals
Revision as of 18:24, 28 January 2010 by Mdklein (talk | contribs)
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This is not complete. Things seem to fail if you don't SetOrientation first... still need to investigate these more.

// Orientation: 0=bottom, 1= right, 2=top, 3=left
// Note: this controls the notification popup location, it does not flip location 0,0
int PDL_SetOrientation(int Orientation);

// portnum is number of port, enabled is 0 or 1
int PDL_SetFirewallPortStatus(int portnum, int enabled);

// note: something needs to be larger than 63, not sure what it controls right now
// sizeofbuffer >= 63
int PDL_GetUniqueID(char * buffer, int sizeofbuffer);

//sets buffer to device name, returns 0 on success... 
int PDL_GetDeviceName(char * buffer, int sizeofbuffer);

//Opens web browser and points it to url
int PDL_LaunchBrowser(char * url);

//Opens an email pre-populated with subject and text
int PDL_LaunchEmail(char * subject, char * text);

//fills buffer with language string (example: en_US)
int PDL_GetLanguage(char * buffer, int sizeofbuffer);

//Cleans things up, haven't fully traced everything it's doing yet
int PDL_Quit();