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Revision as of 04:34, 8 July 2011 by RodWhitby (talk | contribs)
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This page will document knowledge about OmaDm. Note that some previous research of the over-the-wire behaviour of OmaDm has been done at Update_Service_Trace.

OmaDm seems to be involved in carrier provisioning and webOS OTA updates. Its working directory seems to be /var/lib/software.

It is called from UpdateDaemon, with the following arguments (found by using strings on the UpdateDaemon binary):

OmaDm -syncdata
OmaDm -revert_tree
OmaDm -set_domain
OmaDm -client
OmaDm -task
OmaDm -server
OmaDm -prepare
OmaDm -prepare %X
OmaDm -report_results

If you doctor and boot a device with the UpdateDaemon and OmaDm binaries disables, you get the following directory contents:

ModemFiles (empty directory)
SessionFiles (empty directory) (contains localeCountry and localeLanguage settings)
tmp (empty directory)