Research Pre GSM Modem Protocol

From WebOS Internals
Revision as of 19:12, 21 October 2009 by Morphis (talk | contribs) (Add assume about 0xfa as non-starting-flag)
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Here we are collecting informations about the modem protocol. At the moment all the research is don on the european UMTS version of the Palm Pre. The CDM version is likely to be pretty similar to the UMTS variant with regards to the protocol.

What we are doing to get used to the protocol is to strace the different applications that talk to the modem and log everything that goes over /dev/modemuart to the actual modem. From this wire protocol traces we are working backwards to the actual protocol and packet format.

Packet Start

A new packet starts with: 0xFA (This may be an address instead as rfc1662 uses only one flag for frame separation).

As we found out that the CRC is calculated even over the flag 0xFA and with assuming that the basic for the protocol is HDLC we can say that 0xFA is not the starting flag of the frame. It should be an adress if we have a real implemenation of HDLC that follows the rfc.

Packet End

A packet ends with: 0x7E


For the packet end marker there is an escaping sequence inside the packet. It is used 0x7D 0x5E instead. Therefor 0x7D is escaped as 0x7D 0x5D as well.


No informations about the header format have been gathered yet.


No informations about the payload format have been gathered yet.


The last two bytes before the packet ending marker are a CRC16-FCS checksum. (See rfc1662 for polynom and table)

Similarity to RFC1662

The usage of CRC-16-FCS but even more the frame boundary packet as well as the escaping for it looks similar to what we found about this protocol.