Tutorials webOS Disable Automatic 911 On Emergency Call Screen

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When you have a PIN or password on your webOS device (to prevent unauthorized access), the screen that requires you to enter your PIN or password has a button titled Emergency Call. Touching this button will display a phone screen that can only call 911, and as such, 911 is pre-populated. All you'd need to do is press the call button to be connected to 911. This, of course, has resulted in several accidental 911 calls because it is easy to accidentally pull up the emergency call screen.

This tweak is compatible with webOS 1.1 only. There was a webOS 1.0.4 version; the necessary files were changed in webOS 1.1.


There are two parts to this tweak. You can use either one or both.

  • You can prevent 911 from being automatically populated when you press the Emergency Call button. To actually dial 911, you'd have to dial the numbers and press call. However, by default, the emergency call screen will only let you dial 911.
  • You can disable the block that only allows you to dial 911 from the emergency call screen. In addition, you could potentially add rules if you wished - no international calls, no calls out of your area code, etc.

Editing Process

To disable 911 from being pre-populated, edit /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.phone/app/controllers/app-assistant.js at line 978.

Original Code

<source lang="javascript"> AppAssistant.prototype.showLimitedDialpad = function(sc, dialParams) { dialParams.limited = true; sc.pushScene({ "name": "dialpad", automaticFocusAdvance: false, transition: Mojo.Transition.crossFade }, dialParams); } </source>

Patched Code

<source lang="javascript"> AppAssistant.prototype.showLimitedDialpad = function(sc, dialParams) { dialParams.limited = true; dialParams.number = undefined; sc.pushScene({ "name": "dialpad", automaticFocusAdvance: false, transition: Mojo.Transition.crossFade }, dialParams); } </source>

To allow any number to be dialed in the emergency call screen, edit /usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.phone/app/controllers/dialpad-assistant.js at line 1522.

Original Code

<source lang="javascript"> // never dial when locked if it's not an emergency number if (this.appAssistant.screenLocked === true && !(PlatformType.isEmergencyNumber(number))) return false; </source>

Patched Code

<source lang="javascript"> // never dial when locked if it's not an emergency number //if (this.appAssistant.screenLocked === true // && !(PlatformType.isEmergencyNumber(number))) // return false; </source>