Bluetooth Research

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Testing tools

There are several bluetooth related programs in the stock webOS /usr/bin directory

<source lang="text"> root@castle:/usr/bin# ls *Bt* PmBtAtCmdSniff PmBtEngine PmBtTestApi PmBtTestScript PmBtCallStress PmBtHfgCiev PmBtTestContacts PmBtTestStack PmBtContacts PmBtStack PmBtTestJson PmBtEcNr PmBtStart PmBtTestPair </source>


This appears to be a general bluetooth diagnostic tool

<source lang="text"> root@castle:/usr/bin# ./PmBtTestApi Registered for Bluetooth server status

1. find: Finds nearby devices Devices 2. pair: Pairs with a selected device 3. remotepair: Remote pairing 4. GetTrustedDevices: Lists all trusted devices 5. radio: Turn on or off radio and check status 6. setscan: Turn on or off discoverablity and connectability 7. isvisible: Check if device is visible 8. getremotename: Gets the name of remote device 9. setremotenickname: Sets a nick name for a remote device a. setlocalname: Sets the local device's name b. getlocalname: Displays local device's name c. profconnect: Connect a profile d. profdisconnect: Disconnect a profile e. profassociate: Associate a profile with a BT address f. profdisassociate: Disassociate a profile j. profstate: profile connection status R. remtrusteddev: Removes a trusted device

Hands free----------------------

H. Hfg Test Commands


r. getlocaladdress: Get the local device's BT Address o. setpagetimeout: Sets the page timeout k. setlinksupervisiontimeout: Sets the Link Supervision timeout i. Find device names of all found devices l. Set Debug logging Level z. Set state of Debug zone 0/q/Q. Exits the app

Type 'h' for help> Bluetooth server is up </source>


<source lang="text"> Type 'h' for help> 5 Enter Radio[ON/OFF/STATUS]:STATUS

[PmBtLib]: Waiting for event (0 luna://com.palm.bluetooth/gap/isradioon ) [PmBtLib]: Signalling parent a response was received for 0: err = 0x0 {"returnValue":true,"radioon":false} [PmBtLib]: Waiting satisifed (0) ipcRsp.err = 0x0 BtRadio status = OFF Api took 0.000006592 secs

Type 'h' for help> 5 Enter Radio[ON/OFF/STATUS]:ON

[PmBtLib]: Waiting for event (1 luna://com.palm.bluetooth/gap/radioon {"visible":true,"connectable":true}) [PmBtLib]: Signalling parent a response was received for 1: err = 0x0 {"returnValue":true}

Received notification : notifnradioon","error":0} [PmBtLib]: Waiting satisifed (1)  ipcRsp.err = 0x0

Api took 0.000851593 secs

Type 'h' for help> 5 Enter Radio[ON/OFF/STATUS]:STATUS

[PmBtLib]: Waiting for event (2 luna://com.palm.bluetooth/gap/isradioon ) [PmBtLib]: Signalling parent a response was received for 2: err = 0x0 {"returnValue":true,"radioon":true} [PmBtLib]: Waiting satisifed (2) ipcRsp.err = 0x0 BtRadio status = ON Api took 0.000005341 secs </source>

There are also some logs on this site Bluetooth logs