Patch Contact Groups

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Work In Progress...

One glaring omission from WebOS is the Contact Group. This patch plans to address this omission.

To do:

  • Create a list of initial groups (Work, Family, Friends, VIP)
  • Allow editing the group list from within the Contact app's preferences (new card, perhaps?)
  • Add ability to assign a contact to a group from within the Edit Contact card, including creating a new group
  • Allow filtering of contacts by group
  • Allow assigning of a ringtone to a group, which would override the default ringtone, and be overrided by a contact's ringtone, if assigned

Advanced To Do:

  • Allow assigning of a message tone to a group, which would override the default message tone, and be overrided by a contact's message tone, if assigned (incorporate code from the SMS Tone Per Contact patch)
  • Allow call rejecting for entire groups (incorporate code from the Call Blocker patch)
  • Allow an SMS message to be sent to a group
  • Allow an email message to be sent to a group