Patch Launcher Hide Media Sync Option

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Access Linux

Enable the Optware Package Feed and install a backdoor.

1. SSH in.

2. Remount the file system as read/write: <source lang=text> mount -o remount,rw / </source>

To HIDE the Media Sync button that appears when you plug in the usb cable:

3. Bring up the visual editor to edit the application info for the : <source lang=text> vi /usr/lib/luna/system/luna-systemui/app/controllers/usbdashboard-assistant.js </source>

4. Press i to enter insert mode.

5. After the this.showMediaWarning = showMediaWarning; line, change the next line (line 8, webOS 1.2) from this: <source lang=text> this.disableImasq = disableImasq; </source>

to this: <source lang=text> this.disableImasq = true; //disableImasq; </source>

6. Press <ESC> to exit insert mode and go into command mode.

7. Save and quit the file that you are editing: <source lang=text>



8. Bring up the visual editor to edit the application info for the : <source lang=text> vi /usr/lib/luna/system/luna-systemui/app/controllers/storagealert-assistant.js </source>

9. Press i to enter insert mode.

10. After the this.showMediaWarning = showMediaWarning; line, change the next line (line 8 in 1.2) from this: <source lang=text> this.disableImasq = disableImasq; </source>

to this: <source lang=text> this.disableImasq = true; //disableImasq; </source>

11. Press <ESC> to exit insert mode and go into command mode.

12. Save and quit the file that you are editing: <source lang=text>



13. Remount the file system as read only: <source lang=text> mount -o remount,ro / </source>

14. You may need to restart LunaSysMgr (avoids full reboot):

initctl stop LunaSysMgr
initctl start LunaSysMgr

(thanks to SagaciousB, Hopspitfire and Noir for making other patch pages for me to steal the formatting and some text from)